Thursday, June 9, 2016

May Terms at the Museum

The museum recently hosted groups from three May Term classes. May Terms, held jointly by the Laurens-Marathon and the Pocahontas Area High Schools and Junior Highs, are in-depth studies held at the end of the school year. It was great having all of these classes "go local."

 High school students in the class, Tales of the Silver Screen, listen to Louis Hammer and Connie Dallenbach share some history of WWII. The class, taught by Emily Stover and Haley Lind, studied different historical eras and then analyzed for historical accuracy films representing that time period.
Students in Heather Hull's and Cheryl Peter's May Term class on architecture went on a walking tour of Laurens with tour guides from the Pocahontas County Historical Society. That same day they also toured homes in Rolfe with the help of resident Jim Hansen. 
Students in Kelly Tate's May Term class listen to Dorothy Runneberg talk about artifacts brought to Pocahontas County by immigrant families. The students taking the class entitled Who Do You Think You Are? learned about genealogy and researched their family trees.