Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Country Doctors Display
There is new museum display at the Rolfe Public Library. It's called Country Doctors and it features three doctors from the county: Dr. Watson W. Beam, from Rolfe; Dr. David Nowlan from Havelock and Dr. Harry Pitluck from Laurens. You can view Dr. Beam's medical certificate from the State University at Iowa City issued in 1886. For those interested in Rolfe history, there is also a medicine bottle from Webb Drug in Rolfe with an 1889 date on it. Included in the display is the stethoscope of Dr. Nowlan, Havelock's first doctor. Dr. Pitluck's equipment, including a bunsen burner, suction tips and a kidney testing kit, rounds out the display. Dr. Pitluck is a new kid on the block compared to the other two doctors. He began practicing medicine in Laurens in the mid 1940's.