Saturday, December 5, 2015

A Frontier Christmas

The students in Mrs. Boettcher's fifth grade class at the Laurens-Marathon School decorated the museum's feather tree for the Laurens Festival of Trees. The students researched the project as part of their Iowa history study. They discovered how to make the handkerchief angel in an article in the Fort Dodge Messenger. They also got some help from Connie Dallenbach, a museum volunteer, who made sure that they authentically glued the paper chains with a flour and water paste. Connie, promising that she wouldn't pop it in the microwave, prepared the corn for stringing with cranberries.
Linda Olsen, the classroom associate, baked tiny gingerbread cookies that were placed on the tree. 

Check out this tree at the Laurens Festival of Trees.The Festival is open at the Laurens Methodist Church each Saturday and Sunday in December from noon-7PM.